Why Does my Toilet Gurgle & Bubble when it Rains?

Why Does my Toilet Gurgle & Bubble when it Rains?

As someone with 30 years of experience in construction and 10 years in maintenance, I’ve encountered my fair share of plumbing issues.

One common question that homeowners often ask is, “Why does my toilet gurgle or bubble when it rains?”

In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind this strange occurrence and provide solutions for addressing it.

Why the Toilet Gurgles when it Rains

A toilet gurgling when it rains might seem like an odd problem, but there are several reasons why this can happen. The primary reasons include:

  1. Blocked or overloaded sewer lines
  2. Poor venting
  3. Saturated drain fields in septic systems

Blocked or Overloaded Sewer Lines:

The most common reason for a toilet gurgling when it rains is a blocked or overloaded sewer line. Heavy rainfall can cause an increased amount of water to flow through the sewer system. If there are any blockages in the sewer line, this extra water can cause pressure to build up and force air back into the toilet’s drainpipe, resulting in a gurgling sound.

Throughout my career, I’ve seen plenty of blockages caused by tree roots, debris, or even grease buildup. To address this issue, you can hire a professional plumber to inspect and clear the sewer line, or you can try using a sewer snake yourself to remove the blockage (not the tree roots, of course).

image showing an overloaded storm drain and backed up sewer

Poor Venting:

Another potential cause of a gurgling toilet during rainfall is poor venting. Plumbing vents play a crucial role in allowing air to escape from the sewer system and keep pressure equalized throughout. However, if these vents become blocked or are inadequately installed, they can cause a buildup of pressure in the pipes, leading to gurgling noises as pressurized air escapes through your toilet and causes bubbling and gurgling.

In my experience, the best solution for this issue is to inspect the venting system for any blockages or damage. If you find a blockage, it can usually be cleared using a plumbing snake. If you’re not comfortable doing this yourself, as you will be on the roof, don’t hesitate to call in a professional plumber or handyman.

Saturated Drain Fields in Septic Systems:

For homes with septic systems, heavy rainfall can lead to saturated drain fields. A septic system relies on the drain field to disperse wastewater back into the ground. When the ground is saturated with water due to heavy rain, the wastewater cannot disperse effectively, leading to a buildup of pressure in the pipes and causing the toilet to gurgle.

As a seasoned maintenance professional, I recommend having your septic system inspected regularly to ensure that it’s functioning correctly. If the drain field is the issue, a professional can help you determine the best course of action, such as redirecting water away from the drain field or installing additional drainage solutions.

image showing the layout of a septic drain field and how water saturated ground can cause a backup in the house and gurgling noises

Preventative Measures:

There are a few preventative measures that you can take to minimize the chances of your toilet gurgling when it rains:

  1. Regular maintenance: Keep your sewer lines and septic system well-maintained by scheduling regular inspections and cleanings.
  2. Proper disposal of waste: Avoid flushing items that can cause blockages, such as wipes, diapers, and sanitary products. Also, be mindful of the grease and food waste that goes down your sink drain. Grease might go down your drain hot, but when it cools down the line it will harden and act like plaque in an artery.
  3. Install a backwater valve: A backwater valve can prevent sewer water from flowing back into your home during heavy rainfall, reducing the risk of gurgling noises.
image showing how septic maintenance is crucial to preventing backups and gurgling
Make sure you get your septic tank pumped every now and then to prevent backups.

Important Takeaways

A toilet gurgling when it rains can be caused by a variety of factors, including blocked sewer lines, poor venting, and saturated drain fields in septic systems. As someone with years of experience in the field, I understand the importance of addressing these issues promptly. By conducting regular maintenance and implementing preventative measures, you can help minimize the chances of experiencing gurgling toilets during heavy rainfall.

Since you’re dealing with a gurgling toilet, you might be interested in this article which deals with why a toilet gurgles when you do laundry and what you can do to fix it.